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Вот мой скрипт для анкет, к сожелению режим 'викторина' все еще не удалось доработать. В общем не сложно, если ктото хочеть дорабативать, я не знаю когда успею, в общем в окончательной версии будеть не только режим викторина, но и разние типи вопросов (с одним или с больше чем одним правильним ответом), но не знаю когда успею сделать. Сделаю - опобликую

А пока:


<?phpclass Poll {public $question;public $id;public $answers = array();public $voted = false;public $votes = array();public function __construct($id, $data = false){	$this->id = $id > 0 ? $id : 0;	if ( $this->id && is_object( $data ) == false )	{		$sql = 'SELECT * FROM itl_polls WHERE id = '.intval( $id );		$data = DB::Instance()->query_first( $sql );	}	if ( is_object( $data ) )	{		$this->question = $data->question;		$this->answers = $this->_loadAnswers();		$this->votes = $this->_loadVotes();		$this->voted = $this->_checkVote();				} else {		$this->id = 0;	}}private function _loadAnswers(){	$sql = 'SELECT * FROM itl_answers WHERE poll_id='.$this->id;	$res = DB::Instance()->query( $sql );	$count = DB::Instance()->num_rows($res);	$answers = array();	for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ )	{		$row = DB::Instance()->get_row($res);		$answers[ $row->id ] = $row->answer;	}	return $answers;}private function _loadVotes(){	$sql = 'SELECT answer_id, count(*) as count FROM itl_votes WHERE poll_id = '.$this->id.' GROUP BY answer_id';	$res = DB::Instance()->query( $sql );	$count = DB::Instance()->num_rows($res);	$votes = array();	for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ )	{		$row = DB::Instance()->get_row($res);		$votes[ $row->answer_id ] = $row->count;	}	return $votes;}private function _checkVote(){	// check if user have voted for this poll	// 1st: check via cookie	if (is_array($_COOKIE['polls']) == false ) 	{		$_COOKIE['polls'] = array($_COOKIE['polls']);	}	if ( in_array( $this->id, $_COOKIE['polls'] ) )	{		$this->voted = true;		return true;	}	// 2nd: check via member_id		if ( isset($_SESSION['user']) ) 	{		$id = $_SESSION['user']->getUserID();		$sql = 'SELECT * FROM itl_votes WHERE answer_id IN ('.implode( ',', array_keys( $this->answers ) ).')';		$res = DB::Instance()->query( $sql );		if (DB::Instance()->num_rows($res) > 0)		{			$this->voted = true;			return true;		}	}	return false;}public function Vote($answer_id, $member_id, $ip){	if ( $this->voted ) 	{		return false;	}	if ( in_array($answer_id, array_keys($this->answers) ) == false )	{		return false;	}	$date = date("Y-m-d");	$sql = 'INSERT INTO itl_votes (answer_id, user_id, ip, date, poll_id) VALUES';	$sql .= sprintf( ' (%d, %d, "%s", "%s", %d) ', $answer_id, $member_id, $ip, $date, $this->id );	$res = DB::Instance()->query( $sql );	setcookie("polls[]", $this->id, time() + (60*60*24*365) );	$this->voted = true;	return true;}public function Update($data){	// TODO: Transaction	$DB = DB::Instance();	if ($this->id)	{		$sql = sprintf('UPDATE itl_polls SET question = "%s" WHERE id = %d', $DB->escape_string( $data['question'] ), $this->id );		$res = $DB->query( $sql );		// asnwers to remove		$deletedAnswers = array_diff( array_keys($this->answers), array_keys($data['answers'])  );		$sql = 'DELETE FROM itl_answers WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $deletedAnswers).')';		$result = $DB->query( $sql );		foreach ( $data['answers'] as $id => $answer )		{			if ($id > 0)			{				$sql = sprintf('UPDATE itl_answers SET answer = "%s" WHERE id = %d', $DB->escape_string( $answer ), intval( $id ) );			} else {				$sql = sprintf('INSERT INTO itl_answers(poll_id, answer) VALUES(%d, "%s")', intval($this->id), $DB->escape_string( $answer ) );			}			$result = $DB->query( $sql );		}		return true;	}	$sql = sprintf('INSERT INTO itl_polls(question) VALUES ("%s")', $DB->escape_string( $data['question'] ) );	$result = $DB->query( $sql );	$id = $DB->insert_id();	foreach ( $data['answers'] as $a_id => $answer )	{		$sql = sprintf('INSERT INTO itl_answers(poll_id, answer) VALUES(%d, "%s")', $id, $DB->escape_string($answer) );		$result = $DB->query( $sql );	}	return true;}public function Delete(){	// TODO: Transaction	$sql = 'DELETE FROM itl_votes WHERE answer_id IN ('.implode( ',', array_keys( $this->answers ) ).')';	$result = DB::Instance()->query( $sql );	$sql = 'DELETE FROM itl_answers WHERE poll_id = '.$this->id;	$result = DB::Instance()->query( $sql );	$sql = 'DELETE FROM itl_polls WHERE id = ' . $this->id;	$result = DB::Instance()->query( $sql );	return true;}static public function GetPolls(){	$sql = 'SELECT * FROM itl_polls';	$res = DB::Instance()->query( $sql );	$count = DB::Instance()->num_rows($res);	$polls = array();	for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)	{		$row = DB::Instance()->get_row($res);		$polls[] = new Poll($row->id, $row);	}	return $polls;}static public function GetCurrentPoll(){	$sql = 'SELECT * FROM itl_polls ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1';	$res = DB::Instance()->query( $sql );	$row = DB::Instance()->get_row($res);	$poll = new Poll($row->id, $row);	return $poll;}}?>


<?if ( !defined("IN_ITL") ){header("Location: http://it-light.net");exit;}require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/poll/class.poll.php' );class PollManager{protected $act;protected $html;protected $title;protected function ViewPolls(){	$admin = isset($_SESSION['user']) && $_SESSION['user']->isModerator();	$this->title = 'Àíêåòè';	$polls = Poll::GetPolls();	foreach ($polls as $poll)	{		$this->html .= '<a href="/index.php?category=polls&act=view&poll_id='.$poll->id.'">'.$poll->question.'</a>';		if ( $admin )		{			$this->html .= ' (<a href="/index.php?category=polls&act=edit&poll_id='.$poll->id.'">Ðåäàêòèðàé</a>)';		}		$this->html .= '<br />';	}	if ($admin)	{		$this->html .= '<a href="/index.php?category=polls&act=edit&poll_id=0">Äîáàâè</a>';	}}protected function View($id){	$poll = new Poll( $id );	$this->html .= '<b>'.$poll->question."</b><br>";	$this->html .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';	$total = array_sum($poll->votes);	foreach ( $poll->answers as $id => $answer )	{		$count = isset($poll->votes[ $id ]) ? $poll->votes[ $id ] : 0;		$perc = ($total > 0 ) ? floor ( ( $count / $total ) * 100 ) : 0;		$this->html .= '<tr><td>'.$answer.'</td></tr>';		$this->html .= '<tr><td><img src="/bar.gif" width="'.($perc+1).'" height="10"> '.$count.'</td></tr>';	}	$this->html .= '<tr><td>Îáùî ãëàñóâàëè: '.$total.'</td></tr>';	$this->html .= '</table>';}protected function ViewCurrent(){	$poll = Poll::GetCurrentPoll();	if ($poll->voted)	{		return $this->View($poll->id);	}	if ( isset($_SESSION['post']['answer_id']) )	{		$member_id = (isset($_SESSION['user'])) ? $_SESSION['user']->getUserID() : 0;		$poll->Vote($_SESSION['post']['answer_id'], $member_id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);		return $this->View($poll->id);	}	$this->html .= '<form action=/dispatcher.php method=post>';	$this->html .= '<b>'.$poll->question."</b><br>";	foreach ($poll->answers as $id => $value )	{		$this->html .= '<input type=radio name=answer_id value='.$id.'>'.$value.'<br>';	}	$this->html .= '<div align=center><input type=submit value="Ãëàñóâàé"></div>';	$this->html .= '</form>';}protected function Edit($id){	$admin = isset($_SESSION['user']) && $_SESSION['user']->isModerator();	if ($admin == false)	{		return;	}	$poll = new Poll( $id );	if ( isset( $_SESSION['post']['question'] ) )	{		if ( $poll->Update( $_SESSION['post'] ) )		{			unset($_SESSION['post']);			return $this->ViewPolls();			}		// TODO: Some error handling		unset($_SESSION['post']);		return $this->ViewPolls();		}	$this->html .= '<form action=dispatcher.php method=post>';	$this->html .= '<input type=hidden name=forwardTo value="/index.php?category=polls&act=edit&poll_id='.$poll->id.'">';	$this->html .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';	$this->html .= '<tr><td>Âúïðîñ:</td><td><input type=text name=question value="'.htmlspecialchars( $poll->question ).'">';	$this->html .= '<tr><td>Îòãîâîðè:</td><td>';	$this->html .= '<div id="answer-container">';	// TODO: Check max id	foreach ( $poll->answers as $id => $answer )	{		$this->html .= '<div id="answer-'.$id.'"><input type=text name=answers['.$id.'] value="'.htmlspecialchars( $answer ).'"> (<a href="java script:removeAnswer('.$id.')">Èçòðèé</a>) </div>';	}	$this->html .= '</div>';	$this->html .= '<div><a href="java script:addAnswer()">Äîáàâè</a></div>';	$this->html .= '</tr>';	$this->html .= '<tr><td colspan=2 align=right><input type=submit value="Ðåäàêòèðàé">';	$this->html .= '</table>';}public function process($act = ''){	switch ( $act )	{		case 'list':			$this->ViewPolls();			break;		case 'view':			$this->View($_GET['poll_id']);			break;		case 'edit':			$this->Edit($_GET['poll_id']);			break;		default :			$this->ViewCurrent();			break;	}}public function render(){	return $this->html;}public function getTitle(){	return $this->title;}}?>

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