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Говорим по-английски


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В данной теме можно пообщаться друг с другом на английском и немного попрактиковаться в разговорной речи.

Everyone is welcome!

Знатокам английского языка заранее спасибо за возможные правки и помощь.

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Writing something is good idea, but I think that there must be interesting theme 'cause otherwise it'll stopped itself soon enough.

Anyway I can be useful 'cause have experience in successful conversation with many support teams of hardware vendors and game developers.

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Where are you going to go?

a bad trip in the case (неудачная поездка по делу)

Поправьте, пожалуйста, если неверно...

Anyway I can be useful

of course! :)

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"bad trip in on the case" maybe?

But I think that'll be better to say simply "not good businness trip". Because "not good" is a little softer than "bad" which mean absolutely horrible :blind2:...

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В данной теме можно пообщаться друг с другом на английском и немного попрактиковаться в разговорной речи.

Говорим или письменно общаемся?

Я, например, могу понять английское слово, но произнести совершенно не в моих силах.

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@Teddy_Bear, увидев Стинга, поняла, что ты имел ввиду :)

Если у человека плохо с английским, он и не поймет, в чем допустил ошибку :)

Я сказала "маленького Англичанина"? :)

А как надо было?

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In english, please. Russian forbidden here.

Я сказала "маленького Англичанина"?

Not exactly. By structure of sentence - yes.

In the teaching is the concept of "problem situation". All don't have to chew on. The value that understood personally always much higher.

Better: I know a little bit of English.

You know word "bit" well. Isn't it?

Edited by Teddy_Bear
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I think that there must be interesting theme.

I agree! But what kind of theme is better to choose? What is your thoughts on? I have no any idea right now.

did not know

NatM, how often do you need English at work? Do you read the documentation in English?

Now you can ask for help here. :)

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NatM, how often do you need English at work? Do you read the documentation in English? Now you can ask for help here.

trying to find of russian :08:

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You are coder. You must know words bytes and bits.

little bit of English = немного (касяпулечку) чего? английского. of English родительный падеж

Я запомнил по фразе:

Influence of the air resistance on the motion of the rocket.

documentation in English = документация в (на) английском

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